Many fates are bound to the Exiled Lands. In the Age of Heroes, lives will be intertwined and epic stories told. From the deep swamps of the east to the snowy mountains of the north, you can find your Companions and embark on new adventures together.
The new Age also brings new life to your base with a renewed focus on thralls. Enjoy the hustle and bustle of a busy camp, where your thralls will walk around freely and fulfill their needs.
A new type of follower is available in the Age of Heroes – Companions. Two new Companions are introduced in Chapter One, the Khitan sorcerer Liu Fei and the Aesir warrior Freya, and more will follow in future chapters. Each Companion offers a unique quest and story, and after completion they will become a follower with new powers and perks.
Thralls are an integral part of Conan Exiles. Up until now, your blacksmiths, carpenters, cooks, smelters, alchemists and more have been stuck at their crafting benches, working tirelessly at their craft. With the Age of Heroes, your thralls will now walk around your base, going to your tavern, sitting down to eat or drink at your benches and sleeping in your beds.
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“ ... not all men seek rest and peace; some are born with the spirit of the storm in their blood, restless harbingers of violence and bloodshed … ”
Robert E. Howard – A Witch Shall Be Born