Weekly Community Newsletter – Armor and weapon revamps

By jens | February 14, 2018

Good morning swarthy soul pods and happy Valentine’s Day! Please note: This is not the blog post with a list of launch features. That’s to come later this week. We have finished the Gold Build! It has been sent off to Microsoft and Sony for the first leg of the submission process. This is essentially the same as the certification…

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Weekly Community Newsletter – Funny Quippy Title

By jens | February 7, 2018

Good afternoon, great and shimmying heartbubbles! We’re still crunching and working overtime in order to get everything submitted for the Gold Build deadline. It’s just a couple of days away! Bugs are being fixed, gameplay is being tweaked and content is being added on an almost constant basis. As mentioned in previous newsletters, the Gold Build is what’s making it onto the…

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Weekly Community Newsletter – Happy Anniversary!

By jens | January 31, 2018

Good morning, yummy Internet badgers! A year ago today, our Early Access journey began with the release of Conan Exiles. And what a year it’s been! Over the past 12 months both Funcom and Conan Exiles has changed and grown into something truly special. New content has been added on a consistent basis, ranging from new weapons and armor to…

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Weekly community newsletter – Two-handed swords

By jens | January 23, 2018

Good afternoon, you galloping love fruit-bats. Here we are again, back with another newsletter! We’ve finalized our roadmap and development milestones for the final stretch of the Early Access process, meaning we’re now barreling towards the endgame. On said roadmap are things like the combat revamp, additional items, content revamp and a host of other goodies we’ll share on stream and in these newsletter in the…

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Weekly community newsletter – Countdown to submission

By jens | January 17, 2018

Welcome back you chthonian fleshpools! Hope your weekend was delightful and that the new year has been treating you well so far. It’s time for another community newsletter and this week we have some stuff that we think you might like! As you may already know, we’re launching Conan Exiles for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on May…

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By jens | January 15, 2018

We’ve released a patch for the Xbox version of Conan Exiles (build 75820/15495). This introduces some bug and crash fixes and should make avatar tokens craftable again. Siege foundations should no longer have a building score of 0 Paperdoll model in inventory screens should no longer flash black when opened Added an arrow indicating stick position…

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Weekly Community Newsletter – We’re Back!

By jens | January 9, 2018

Happy new year, everyone! We hope you all had a great holiday break and are ready to take on 2018 with both vim and vigor. Let’s also take bets on how long it will take us to get used to writing “2018” instead of “2017”. From what we hear most people need to get through at…

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Here are the winners of the holiday screenshot competition

By jens | January 5, 2018

Dear exiles, Happy new year! We hope everyone had a great holiday season and hope you’re ready to dive headfirst into 2018. Before the holiday break we announced a community competition, asking players to send us their best holiday themed screenshots from Conan Exiles. We got a lot of really cool screenshots from you guys,…

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Weekly Community Newsletter – Happy Holidays From All of us at Funcom

By jens | December 19, 2017

Welcome once again to the Funcom community newsletter! If you’re just joining us, where have you been all this time? You have some catching up to do, friend. All the previous community newsletters can be found on our website, or on the Steam community hub. This will be the last community newsletter before the holidays, as we’ll be on…

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Holiday Screenshot Competition

By jens | December 19, 2017

Dear exiles, We’re very happy to announce the Conan Exiles Holiday Screenshot Community Competition! The title might be a bit of a mouthful, but thankfully the rules are quite simple. We want you to send us your best holiday themed screenshot from Conan Exiles. It can be of anything in the game, as long as it’s holiday…

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