Custom utility functions


We have added new functions to get components from an actor which implement a given interface.


Gets all the components that implements the given interface. Target is Actor


Searches components array and returns first encountered component that implements the given interface. Target is Actor

We have also added new functions to help sorting arrays of generic types and objects.



Take an array of FStrings and sorts it in alphabetical order, setting inverse will sort the array in a reverse order.


Take an array of FNames and sorts it in alphabetical order, setting inverse will sort the array in a reverse order.


Take an array of bytes and sorts it in ascending order, setting inverse will sort the array in a descending order.


Take an array of integers and sorts it in ascending order, setting inverse will sort the array in a descending order.


Take an array of floats and sorts it in ascending order, setting inverse will sort the array in a descending order.


Take an array of generic objects and sorts it based on a SortFunction. Setting inverse will sort the array in a reverse order.

Sort Function

A SortFunction is a function which takes two object references (objectA, objectB) as input, and a Boolean (Return) as output. The Return boolean should be set to true if objectA should be before objectB, and false if objectA should be after objectB.

This can then be used like so: